Trademarks – a Definition
A trademark is a word, name, symbol, device, design or phrase adopted and used by organisations to identify their goods and services and to distinguish them from the goods and services of others. Trademarks, otherwise known as brands, are usually marked with either a ™ or an ® symbol (a ™ designates an unregistered trademark and an ® designates a registered trademark).
Enliten Training Solutions is a registered trademark of Enliten IT Ltd.
All photographic images and created logos, on this web site, are copyright to Enliten IT Ltd.
Enliten IT General Trademark Declaration
Please note that, in this website, a number of external products are mentioned. All other trademarks referenced in this site are the property of third parties and Enliten IT Ltd makes no representations or warranties regarding such trademarks or the third party products or services covered by such trademarks. All Trademarks, Logos, emblems etc. are copyright or trademarked to their respective holders. All the trademarks are hereby acknowledged to be the properties of their respective owners.
You may not reproduce, adapt or distribute any information or image from this Web site, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Enliten IT Ltd. If you wish permission to use any information for commercial purposes requests for permission of use should be sent via e-mail to info @
- Microsoft product images reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.