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Microsoft Power BI courses

We provide Microsoft Power BI courses at introduction, intermediate and advanced levels.  Onsite courses, at your offices UK wide, as well as tailored workshops using your own data sets.  Choose from face to face classrom training or live online Power BI Desktop courses.

Use Microsoft’s Power BI (Business Intelligence) tools to analyse data sets quickly, provide visual insights via reports and dashboards and to share that data with colleagues.  Learn how to get the most from your data using Microsoft BI.

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Power BI training Introduction course

1 day

Our Microsoft Power BI training Introduction course will introduce delegates to Power BI which is a cloud-based business analytics service that allows you to gather, shape, analyse and visually explore data.   The Power BI Desktop is where you CREATE data models and build visual reports.   Once reports are created most use the Power BI Service i.e. to create Dashboards they can share with others to view and interact with, via browsers or on mobile devices.

This basic course is aimed at users new to Power BI to enable them to analyse data and create interesting visual reports.

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What will you learn?

At the end of this Microsoft Power BI training Introduction course, delegates will be able to:

  • Use Power BI to analyse your data
  • Access, prepare and create basic transformations of your data
  • Use data modelling and exploration
  • Create rich, interactive reports and visualizations


Business/Data analysts or anyone who needs to interpret and communicate large quantities of information clearly by summarising it into easy-to-read tables and graphs.

Course Contents

What is Microsoft Power BI?

  • The Power BI environment
  • Working with the Fields and Visualisation Panes
  • Using Report View and Data View

Data Sources

  • Using the following data sources:
    • Excel, CSV/Text files
    • Folders and SQL server

Data Model Relationships

  • Understanding the Data Model
  • Data and Relationship Views
  • Creating and Managing relationships

Introduction to DAX

  • Why are custom calculations useful?
  • Creating Calculated Columns & Measures
  • Understanding Evaluation Context
  • Using COUNTROWS and DistinctCount


  • Importance of calendars
  • Creating a calendar via DAX

Using Queries

  • The role of Queries in data import
  • Extract, Transform & Load (ETL)
  • Working with Applied Steps
  • Exploring some data transformations
    • Unpivot and Split columns
    • Extract
    • Group
  • Replacing values
    • Calculated columns
    • Append and Merge Queries

Publishing to the Power BI Service

  • Publish your Report to

Course Materials

Enliten IT will provide each delegate with a workbook (Adobe pdf format) and other useful reference materials where applicable.

“"Really great training session. Alan was a great trainer, really engaging and made the session easy to follow and understand. The fact it was remote based training as well made the fact that he was able to keep up all following along and engaged throughout even more impressive!"”

Ben, Software One, Power BI Introduction


Delegates should have extensive Excel analytical skills including Pivot tables and an understanding of database principles would also be useful.

Additional Information

NOTE:   We only offer this Microsoft Power BI Introduction course on a private in-house basis.

Enliten IT reserves the right to modify course content and materials as required in the interests of continuous course improvement, at any time, without notification.

The suggested course duration is a guideline.   Course topics and duration may be modified by the instructor based upon the knowledge and skill level of the course participants.