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Microsoft 365 courses

Our Microsoft 365 courses cover Office 365 tools like Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams and SharePoint. These courses help you manage documents, streamline workflows, and drive digital transformation within your organization. Whether you’re focusing on advanced Microsoft Office skills or just the essential Microsoft Office skills, our custom training programs are tailored to your needs. Learn at your own pace with lifetime access, helping you adopt and optimize the full potential of Microsoft Office applications.

Say goodbye to 9-5 and hello to 365.

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Microsoft 365 End User training

1 day

In this Microsoft 365 End User training, delegates will gain hands-on experience with Office Web Apps, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Teams, enhancing their ability to manage and interact with Microsoft Office tools in the cloud.

As part of the Office 365 cloud-based subscription service, participants will develop essential Microsoft Office skills using apps like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Project, and more, and can be managed and configured through an online portal. This cloud-based service ensures up-to-date software, seamless document management, and access from anywhere, supporting a flexible learning path that caters to both basic and advanced skills at the learner's own pace.

Note:  This standard course is totally customisable to suit the way your business works.   Feel free to pick and mix content to create your own tailored course from the list of optional topics.

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What will you learn?

At the end of this Microsoft 365 End User training course, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand and navigate within the cloud
  • Use OneDrive to access, share and manage files
  • Use WebApps e.g. Outlook, Excel, Word
  • Use Teams for video meetings
  • Work within SharePoint as a user


Users migrating to or using Microsoft 365.

Course Contents

Microsoft 365 Overview

  • What is Microsoft 365?
  • Signing In/Out
  • Navigating around Microsoft 365
  • The core apps - Outlook, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams
  • Cloud Apps Vs Desktop
  • Changing Settings and your Profile

Working with OneDrive for Business

  • What is OneDrive?
  • Navigating OneDrive
  • Accessing Content – Open/Save/Upload
  • Sharing Documents/folders
  • Collaborating with web apps
  • Managing permissions
  • Managing deleted files
  • Version control

Web Apps Interface

  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint – the Ribbon and contextual tabs, Some new features
  • Creating and editing documents in ‘The Cloud’
  • Sharing documents and collaborating with colleagues online
  • Manage "Places" when saving – Microsoft 365 & SharePoint
  • Working with document Versions
  • Find files you've recently opened
  • Manage file sharing and compatibility issues
  • Revamped Printing options

Using Outlook Online (Web access)

  • Using the Calendar; Shared Calendars
  • Creating Teams Meetings Outlook vs in Teams
  • Outlook People and IM Contacts
  • Tasks, Flagged emails, ToDo
  • Setting Outlook options, Signatures, Automatic Replies and Rules

Using Teams for Video calls

  • Teams overview and basics
  • Using Video
  • Meetings/Conference Calls
    • Scheduling and Joining Meetings
    • Inviting/Adding people to meetings
  • Meeting tools – Whiteboard, Recording,
    Taking notes
  • Share your Desktop

SharePoint Online

  • SharePoint v Teams v OneDrive – where are files stored? Where to save files?
  • SharePoint in 5 Words - Sites, Lists, Libraries, Pages & Users
  • Channel [Files] tab
  • Navigating and Searching SharePoint Sites
  • Uploading One and Many documents
  • Creating Folders
  • Editing Documents - In Web Apps; In Office
  • Document Menus & Properties
  • Deleting and Recycling Documents
  • Sharing Content - internally and externally
  • Linking to Files and Content
  • SharePoint Lists
    • List Types
    • Creating and importing content to Lists
  • Building Site Pages
    • Adding Pages and Web Parts

Optional Topics (for customised courses)

  • Teams
  • Forms
  • Delve
  • Planner
  • Flow

Course Materials

Enliten IT will provide each delegate with a workbook and other useful reference materials where applicable.   These may be either paper based or in Adobe pdf format or a combination thereof.

“"Great course, feel much more confident in using it to full potential."”

Dylan, Com Laude, Teams Introduction


Delegates should be familiar with Microsoft Office and Windows.

Additional Information

NOTE:  We only offer this Microsoft 365 End User training course on a private in-house basis.

Enliten IT reserves the right to modify course content and materials as required in the interests of continuous course improvement, at any time, without notification.

The suggested course duration is a guideline.   Course topics and duration may be modified by the instructor based upon the knowledge and skill level of the course participants.